
…because life tastes better when you spread the jam.

Archive for the tag “blog”

The Length of Things: Blogs and Armpit Hairs

Some things assume a natural length by virtue of their very nature. 😉

This is JimmmyJams!!!

Hi there!  Nice to meet you.  You have found “JimmmyJams” (with 3 “M’s” in “Jimmmy”…don’t forget that)!

As Tim Tebow would say, “I’m excited!…” that you checked out my video blog.  Honestly, I’m also a bit nervous.  Nerves are good things.  They keep us from getting hit by bulldozers and other large, heavy, moving objects.  Nerves focus us and enable us to destroy evil monsters and people associated with the Galactic Empire (sorry, I just watched Star Wars again).  So, even though I’m nervous about plopping my face onto the web and opening my yapper, I’m doin’ it!

Allow me to introduce myself.  I’m a tall American guy with background and education in communications, journalism, videography, radio, blah, blah, blah.  I’ve always enjoyed such a variety of things in life that musing about them all just seems natural.  I enjoy singing, songwriting (maybe I’ll do some of that here), running, golf, eating, breathing…an much more.  I’m a pretty good guy and I’m delicious on crackers!

Hey, make yourself at home.  At the time of this posting, I only have a few videos but that will change.  Tell me who you are. Tell me what you think and what you’d like me to comment about.  Subscribe, comment and let’s see where this goes.  Just be yourself and I’ll do the same!

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